
This is most probably the most difficult concept in Rust. Borrowing is very specific to Rust only, and it’s the main reason so many people abandon learning Rust. And also it is why so many people say Rust is difficult.

Learning this is what sets apart developers from Rust Developers.

Are you ready?

  • When you see things like x, y, f64, etc. It means that you own the variable, meaning that you can do whatever: read, write and free their memory.
  • If you see &x, &y, &f64, etc. Means that you don’t own it, it was lent to you temporarily. You can only read their contents, but most of the time you can also copy the contents elsewhere too.
  • Finally, if you see &mut x, &mut y, &mut f64, etc. Is as before, but you can also write to them. With these you can do mostly everything except free their memory.

That’s it. & is read-only access, &mut is read and write access, and if nothing appears, it’s full access.

Wait, you thought this was going to be more difficult? I wonder why.

Ok, jokes aside, now comes the difficult part.

Rust will ensure the correctness of our programs in a way that feels “too much”, it will analyze and prove correctness to a level that no other language that I know does.

This makes the Rust compiler very picky. There’s lots of stuff that it doesn’t like. And it’s hard to make the compiler happy.

Maybe you experienced this already. Or maybe I did a good job up to now keeping you away from this. Now it’s time to start introducing (very gently) to Ownership and Borrowing in Rust.

When we store a value into a variable, it uses some amount of memory of the computer. It seems kinda obvious that 100 numbers will use more memory than 5 numbers.

And memory needs to be freed. Because if we keep asking for memory and never returning it, our computer might run out of memory at some point.

Therefore, Rust must allocate (ask for memory) when we put a new variable, and it must free the memory when it’s no longer needed.

fn some_function() {
    let x: i64 = 12345; // <-- memory gets allocated here.
    println!("using the variable: {}", x);
} // <-- memory gets freed here, when the function ends.

fn main() {

Now, this is the basic of what Ownership means: when we create something, we own it, and we’re responsible for freeing it when we’re done with it.

Rust does this for us in a very natural way. So much that we could ignore this up to this point.

The problem with this approach is that, when we pass a variable to a function, the function now owns that variable. And this means that the function will free this variable when it ends, we could not use it anymore.

Sounds weird, but it will seem clear here:

fn print(x: i64) { // <-- x ownership is captured when calling the function.
    println!("Value is: {}", x);
} // <-- memory gets freed here, when the function ends.

fn some_function() {
    let x: i64 = 12345; // <-- memory gets allocated here.
    print(x); // <-- we call the function, but 'x' is now owned by 'print'.
    println!("using the variable: {}", x); // <-- 'x' no longer exists!!

fn main() {

But —I hear you asking—, if I run the above code it works.

Yeah, I know. But this one does not:

fn print(x: String) { // <-- x ownership is captured when calling the function.
    println!("Value is: {}", x);
} // <-- memory gets freed here, when the function ends.

fn some_function() {
    let x: String = "text".to_string(); // <-- memory gets allocated here.
    print(x); // <-- we call the function, but 'x' is now owned by 'print'.
    println!("using the variable: {}", x); // <-- 'x' no longer exists!!

fn main() {

Some data types are so simple that Rust can just copy them around. But text in the other hand, is a bit more complicated and that trick no longer works1.

Now, to make this work is pretty easy. Because print() is only reading, we only need read-only access. We can use the ampersand to borrow temporarily the variable:

fn print(x: &String) { // <-- we only get a "reference" to 'x'. We don't own it.
    println!("Value is: {}", x);

fn some_function() {
    let x: String = "text".to_string(); // <-- memory gets allocated here.
    print(&x); // <-- now we only lent 'x'. We keep ownership.
    println!("using the variable: {}", x); // <-- 'x' does exist here and works.
} // <-- 'x' memory gets freed here.

fn main() {

As you can see, I only added two & in the code, and we don’t have the problem anymore.

Now we also have &mut, and this one is fascinating. It allows us to do this:

fn add_five(x: &mut i64) { 
    x += 5

fn some_function() {
    let x: i64 = 100; 
    println!("x = {}", x); 
    add_five(&mut x); 
    println!("x = {}", x); 
    add_five(&mut x); 
    println!("x = {}", x); 

fn main() {

Because add_five receives a mutable reference, when we change it, we will see the changes appear on some_function.

I think you can see this is super useful, and our functions got now superpowers!

Let’s step this up a little.

Turns out you can also store references like &x or &mut x. And for what reason do we want to do this? Well… it’s too early to explain. Let’s just say that it is possible, and you don’t want to do this.

fn main() {
let mut x = 5;
let y = &mut x;
*y = 3;
println!("x = {}", x);

Also in structs:

fn main() {
struct Thingy {
    x: &mut i64,
    y: &f64,

But this must be written as:

fn main() {
struct Thingy<'a> {
    x: &'a mut i64,
    y: &'a f64,

The point is: it is possible. And I need you to know that this can be done to understand the next explanation.

But at your current level, if you see yourself coding something like that, simply back off and find a way to avoid storing references &var &mut var. They’re very painful to work with.

Now, this means that there may exist several pieces of code that have access to the same variable at the same time via different methods.

And this is a problem.

If one part of a program is using a variable and another part, inadvertently is changing the variable… well, it can end very badly.

For this reason, Rust limits how ownership and references can coexist, and how many we can have.

  • Ownership (var): There can be only one owner at a time. When we call a function, we transfer the ownership of the variables unless they are references &x &mut x.
  • Mutable reference (&mut var): There must be at most one &mut var at any time. And while it exists, the original variable cannot be read or written (more or less).
  • Shared reference (&var): There can be many, but they cannot coexist with &mut var.

In other words, there must be always one owner, and one writer. Readers can be many, as long as there aren’t anyone writing.

The ownership system in Rust can be related with having a car:

  • var: You own a car, therefore you can choose to dispose of it at any time.
  • &mut var: You send the car to a mechanic, they can do changes to your car, but you cannot use it meanwhile. And you cannot dispose of it while is on the mechanic.
  • &var: You let others see your parked car, but not touch it. Many can see your car at the same time, but meanwhile you cannot use it or send it to the mechanic.

Which roughly translates into:

struct Car {
    horses: i64,
    air_conditioner: bool,

fn buy_cheap_car() -> Car {
    return Car{horses: 60, air_conditioner: false};

impl Car {
    // "self" here transfers ownership. And this function will free the variable.
    fn dispose(self) {
        println!("Bye car! {} horses, A/C:{}", self.horses, self.air_conditioner);
    // "&mut self" gives exclusive write access.
    fn upgrade_ac(&mut self) {
        self.air_conditioner = true;
    fn upgrade_engine(&mut self) {
        self.horses += 10;
    // "&self" gives shared read access.
    fn admire(&self) {
            "Woo, nice car with {} horses and {} A/C", 

fn main() {
    let mut mycar = buy_cheap_car();
    let admirer1 = &mycar;
    let mechanic = &mut mycar;

    let admirer1 = &mycar;
    let admirer2 = &mycar;
    // mechanic can't be used here.

    let mechanic = &mut mycar;

    let admirer1 = &mycar;
    let admirer2 = &mycar;

    // Car no longer exists, this won't work:
    // let admirer1 = &mycar;
    // admirer1.admire();

I know that at this point this will feel confusing. It’s a lot to unpack.

And I guess you have questions like:

  • Why should I use this?
  • Seems complicated.
  • Why not use &mut all the time? Or just the regular var.
  • Is this to put restrictions on the code?

No, no… forget about all those thoughts.

It’s not something we want to use, it’s something that we will need to use. Meaning, that the usage will be apparent soon enough. Don’t overthink it.

We’re trying to solve a problem here. The problem is sharing variables across many pieces of code.

Before, we were doing lots of things like:

fn main() {
let p: Point2D;
// (...)
p = p.move(distance_vector);

But this is inconvenient. And we would like to just write:

fn main() {
let p: Point2D;
// (...)

And that should update the point.

For that, we want to use &mut self instead. So, we had:

fn main() {
impl Point2D {
    fn move(mut p: Self, v: Vector2D) { 
        p.x += v.dx;
        p.y += v.dy;
        return p;

With what we learned, we can do:

fn main() {
impl Point2D {
    fn move(&mut self, v: Vector2D) { 
        self.x += v.dx;
        self.y += v.dy;

And now that updates the point. Nice.

Still one problem. If we do:

fn main() {
let mut p1 = Point2D{x: 10.0, y: -5.0};
let mut p2 = Point2D{x: 5.0, y: 15.0};
let distance_vector = Vector2D{dx: 50.0, dy:0.0};
// (...)

The second move, for p2 won’t work. The problem is that move is taking ownership of distance_vector, so we lose the variable.

But we don’t need ownership just for reading the contents, do we?

So let’s update that:

struct Point2D {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

struct Vector2D {
    dx: f64,
    dy: f64,

impl Point2D {
    // Added ampersand         v---- here
    fn translate(&mut self, v: &Vector2D) { 
        self.x += v.dx;
        self.y += v.dy;

fn main() {
    let mut p1 = Point2D{x: 10.0, y: -5.0};
    let mut p2 = Point2D{x: 5.0, y: 15.0};
    let distance_vector = Vector2D{dx: 50.0, dy:0.0};
    // Added ampersand
    //           v---- here

With just that single & character, now it works.

I’ll leave this here. Take it as an introduction into borrowing and ownership. Later on we will revisit this topic a bit more in-depth. So if it’s not fully clear, don’t worry!

Also, we’re reaching a point where you can already read (and probably write) what could be production-ready Rust code. This is (almost) what real code looks like. You’re getting close to be able to start your own applications!


If you ever asked yourself why all code samples and exercises I wrote almost always had number variables, this is the reason. They’re easier to work with and avoids these problems.