
We just saw structs, where we could have a type that contains many things at a single time. Structs are one of the basic blocks of programming. Enums are probably their other half.

Consider the following, what if instead of storing many things at a time, we wanted to store one of several options?

For example, a type that could be either an integer or a string. But not both.

The usefulness of this, as usual, is hard to see initially. But examples will follow soon!

A form with options

Something that is easy to relate are real-world forms. Imagine you were trying to get the bank to lend money to you, and they lend you a form.

In the form, the following appears:

What is your current status?

  • (_) Are you working?
    • Name of the company [_______]
    • Field / Type of company [______]
    • Type of contract? () Permanent full time () Permanent part-time (_) Contractor
  • (_) Are you studying?
    • Field of study [______]
    • Years in school [__]
  • (_) Other, not studying or working.
    • Please specify [________]

Or this:

Marital Status:

  • (_) Single
  • (_) Married
  • (_) Other

These “single choice” options can be represented as Enums.

For example:

fn main() {
enum MaritalStatus {

Then in code, we can choose one of the three options:

fn main() {
let status1 = MaritalStatus::Single;
let status2 = MaritalStatus::Married;
let status3 = MaritalStatus::Other;

Of course, you can put as many options as you want!

But, for “Other” we don’t really know what happened here, so we want to have the user to specify what they meant by “Other”:

Marital Status:

  • (_) Single
  • (_) Married
  • (X) Other [_________________]

In Rust, we do:

fn main() {
enum MaritalStatus {

Now, if we specify “Other” we need to put text with it:

fn main() {
let status3 = MaritalStatus::Other("divorced".to_string());

You can also have names and multiple values inside too:

fn main() {
enum MaritalStatus {
    Other{ status: String, observations: String},

fn main() {
let status3 = MaritalStatus::Other {
    status: "divorced".to_string(),
    observations: "in 2004".to_string(),

More complex enums are possible, as you can compose them with structs:

fn main() {
enum ContractType {

struct Work {
    company_name: String,
    field: String,
    contract_type: ContractType,

struct Study {
    field: String,
    years: i64,

enum CurrentStatus {
    Other { specify: String },

This reflects the earlier form:

What is your current status?

  • (_) Are you working?
    • Name of the company [_______]
    • Field / Type of company [______]
    • Type of contract? () Permanent full time () Permanent part-time (_) Contractor
  • (_) Are you studying?
    • Field of study [______]
    • Years in school [__]
  • (_) Other, not studying or working.
    • Please specify [________]

Enums in other languages

In C++, Java and most other languages, enums are much simpler and can’t do most of what Rust can.

In fact, they’re just a fancy way of creating constant values associated to numbers.

Imagine we’re writing a library to open files, and we have a file mode:

fn main() {
enum FileMode {
    Read,       // -> 0
    Write,      // -> 1
    ReadWrite,  // -> 2
    Create,     // -> 3
    Append,     // -> 4

These are very similar to creating constants associated to numbers:

fn main() {
const READ: u16      = 0;
const WRITE: u16     = 1;
const READWRITE: u16 = 2;
const CREATE: u16    = 3;
const APPEND: u16    = 4;

Having an enum makes the creation simpler, and groups everything together nicely.

It starts counting at zero, but we can assign a particular number if we want. It will continue counting from there:

fn main() {
enum FileMode {
    Read = 12,  // -> 12
    Write,      // -> 13
    ReadWrite,  // -> 14
    Create,     // -> 15
    Append,     // -> 16

If we have two numbers or more assigned, it works too:

fn main() {
enum FileMode {
    Read = 12,  // -> 12
    Write,      // -> 13
    ReadWrite,  // -> 14
    Create = 20,// -> 20
    Append,     // -> 21

In Rust, you can extract the actual number by casting to integer:

fn main() {
dbg!(FileMode::ReadWrite as u16);

Another example:

fn main() {
enum Numbers {
    One = 1,        // ->  1
    Two,            //     2
    Three,          //     3
    Four,           //     4

    FourtyTwo = 42, // -> 42
    FourtyThree,    //    43

Other examples

Imagine a datatype called When that could take any of the following:

  • “Tomorrow”: As in, the meeting will be tomorrow.
  • 12 (hours): Even will happen in 12 hours.

In a struct, the problem is that we must have two fields and one must remain empty:

fn main() {
struct When {
    name String,
    hours i64,

However, Rust doesn’t allow them to be empty. So we might be compelled to use zero as empty or the empty name as not set. But this isn’t a good practice. Using special values with special meanings is a bad idea in programming. We had a long history with special values, and it usually ends in bugs.

Here’s where an Enum helps:

fn main() {
enum When {

This can only take one of the values. Either is name or is hours.

We use them like this:

fn main() {
let tomorrow = When::name("tomorrow".to_string());
let hours_3 = When::hours(3);

C++ has something similar to this, called union. But it’s not safe to use. Rust does have union as well and trust me, you don’t want to use unions unless you really, really… really know what you’re doing.

They also are useful to define names, for example a list of operation modes:

fn main() {
enum OperationMode {

Don’t confuse Rust enums with C++/Java enums. In these languages enums are useful only to associate a number to a name. Rust enums are way more powerful.

You might say: “Well, nice, but I don’t see myself using this ever. How is this a critical thing to know for a beginner?”

And the answer is that Rust itself is plagued with two very popular enums. You can’t avoid it. You’ll have enums in your code, want it or not.

These enums are Option<T> and Result<T>. I’ll discuss them now.


Option is basically:

fn main() {
enum Option {

And it is used when a value can be empty. But truly empty. Missing. Nil. Gone.

Because, you see, this is the empty string:

fn main() {
let text = "".to_string();

But it’s not missing. It’s an empty string. The value is not empty; it contains an empty string. Weird, hah!

You want an empty value?

fn main() {
let text: Option<String> = None;

This one is empty.

And we can use this to have optional parameters in a function or a struct:

fn main() {
struct User {
    username String,
    real_name Option<String>,


The other enum Result, is similar to this:

fn main() {
enum Result {

This is used to have fallible operations. If something fails, it will return an Err(error). The error inside contains details on what failed. If it works, returns Ok(value) where value contains the data we needed.

For example, consider a function to divide:

fn main() {
fn divide(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 {
    return a / b;

However, divide by zero is an error. To be able to communicate this error we can do:

fn main() {
fn divide(a: f64, b: f64) -> Result<f64> {
    if b == 0 {
        return Err(DivideByZeroError);
    return Ok(a / b);


As commented, Rust libraries are full of Option and Result. So it’s very easy to find something that returns these things.

For example, if we want to parse a string into a number:

fn main() {
let num: i64 = "1235".parse();

This doesn’t work because parse() will return a Result and not an i64:

fn main() {
let num: Result<i64> = "1235".parse();

But this is inconvenient. If we know that the result is going to be Ok, we can use unwrap:

fn main() {
let result_num: Result<i64> = "1235".parse();
let num: i64 = result_num.unwrap();

Or, in one line:

fn main() {
let num: i64 = "1235".parse().unwrap();

The problem with unwrap() is that will make the program crash if the result is an error. So be careful when using this in places that are not guaranteed to do as expected.

If you are okay with making the program crash at that point, consider using expect() instead, which does the same but allows you to provide a message:

fn main() {
let num: i64 = "1235".parse().expect("failed to parse credit card number");

However, if making the program crash is not a good idea, you have to handle the error:

fn main() {
let result_num: Result<i64> = "1235".parse();
match result_num {
    Ok(num) => {
        // .. handle here the parsed number ..
    Err(e) => {
        // .. handle the error ..

Rust forces you to choose what to do with the errors. There’s no “default action” but instead, compiler errors and warnings until you decide to unwrap or handle it. If you don’t decide, you’ll get complaints.

Oh, and this works with option too!

fn main() {
// TODO: divide was returning a result - find another example!
let result_num: Option<f64> = divide(3.0, 1.2);
match result_num {
    Some(num) => {
        // .. handle here the parsed number ..
    None => {
        // .. 

Understanding Rust Enums internals

WARN: Technical info ahead! This describes how things work in memory internally. This section is not required to understand, and feel free to skip. But for some readers, this might give some insight and understanding on Enums. Don’t obsess into understanding everything; just a general overview here is fine.

In C++ (and Rust) we have something called “unions”. A union is a type where all contents will be stored in the same place in memory.

fn main() {
union MyData {
    integer: i64,
    float: f32,
    text: [char; 20],

These contents will be put one on top of the other, overlapping the same region in memory.

If we did a struct like that:

fn main() {
struct MyData {
    integer: i64,
    float: f32,
    text: [char; 20],

In the memory we will have:

  integer float        text

All variables will be packed one after another.

However, if we were only going to use one of those at a time, we would be wasting a lot of memory of the computer.

Unions instead put everything in the same place:

[________] integer
[____] float
[____________________] text

Or, more accurately:

float integer text

There are bytes in memory that will be shared across the float, the integer, and the text. Because of this, they use only the memory needed to hold the largest variable that they can contain.

This makes unions very dangerous as if you write text and then read float you’ll get back basically garbage.

That’s why, in Rust, reading unions is unsafe.

But if we knew what field we wrote, then we could actually read it without risk of getting back garbage.

Imagine we had constants to specify which field it is:

fn main() {
const FIELD_FLOAT: u8 = 0;
const FIELD_INTEGER: u8 = 1;
const FIELD_TEXT: u8 = 2;

And then we store this along with the union, inside a struct:

fn main() {
union MyData {
    integer: i64,
    float: f32,
    text: [char; 20],

struct MyDataSafe {
    field_written: u8,
    data: MyData,

Now, as long as we always keep the field_written up to date, we know which one was used, so we can read confidently data without risk of getting back corrupted values.

We could write an implementation like this to ensure this is the case:

fn main() {
impl MyDataSafe {
    pub fn write_integer(&mut self, i: i64) {
        self.field_written = FIELD_INTEGER;
        self.data.integer = i;
    pub fn write_float(&mut self, f: f32) {
        self.field_written = FIELD_FLOAT;
        self.data.float = f;
    pub fn write_text(&mut self, t: [char; 20]) {
        self.field_written = FIELD_TEXT;
        self.data.text = t;

And we could read “safely”:

fn main() {
impl MyDataSafe {
    pub fn read_integer(&self) -> i64 {
        if self.field_written != FIELD_INTEGER {
            panic!("wrong field type");
        unsafe {self.data.integer}
    pub fn write_float(&self) -> f32 {
        if self.field_written != FIELD_FLOAT {
            panic!("wrong field type");
        unsafe {self.data.float}
    pub fn write_text(&self) -> [char; 20] {
        if self.field_written != FIELD_TEXT {
            panic!("wrong field type");
        unsafe {self.data.text}

Notice two things here. First, when we created the struct:

fn main() {
struct MyDataSafe {
    field_written: u8,
    data: MyData,

The layout in memory is:

   float integer text
 --- field_written

Second, those constants:

fn main() {
const FIELD_FLOAT: u8 = 0;
const FIELD_INTEGER: u8 = 1;
const FIELD_TEXT: u8 = 2;

Are actually a regular C++ enum:

fn main() {
enum Field {

And the struct:

fn main() {
struct MyDataSafe {
    field_written: u8,
    data: MyData,

Is actually an equivalent of a Rust Enum!

fn main() {
enum Field {
    Text([char; 20]),

That’s what it actually is! Rust enums are kind of “safe C++ style unions”.

They use only the memory needed for the biggest value possible of all options, and they’re safe. Plus an extra byte or two to hold which variant are we talking about.

In some cases, Rust is “too smart” and it’s able to omit the extra byte needed to store the variant by using some tricks when compiling. But that is outside what I want to cover here.