
To create a program pair that communicates through jsonrpc protocol, this is the straightforward way:

Download and Install

Download the latest package (if you haven’t downloaded it yet), from the project website [1] or from github repository [2].

You will need Python 2.5 (2.6 or later recommended) and a JSON library for python. Python 2.6 and later bundles a json library. earlier versions should download and install python-simplejson.

Install the package with the standard distutils:

$ sudo python setup.py install

You’re done. Try to create a new server and client and see how easy it is.

Creating a test server

Write the following code and save it as rpcserver.py:

import bjsonrpc
from bjsonrpc.handlers import BaseHandler

class MyServerHandler(BaseHandler):
    def hello(self, txt):
        response = "hello, %s!." % txt
        print "*", response
        return response

s = bjsonrpc.createserver( handler_factory = MyServerHandler )

Execute it and leave it running on other window.

Creating a test client

Write the following code and save it as rpcclient.py:

import bjsonrpc
c = bjsonrpc.connect()
print "::>", c.call.hello("john")
print "::>", c.call.hello("arnold")

Execute it and you should see the following output in the server part:

>:43: {"params":["john"],"method":"hello","id":1}
* hello, john!.
<:46: {"id":1,"result":"hello, john!.","error":null}
>:45: {"params":["arnold"],"method":"hello","id":2}
* hello, arnold!.
<:48: {"id":2,"result":"hello, arnold!.","error":null}

And this output on the client part:

::> hello, john!.
::> hello, arnold!.

Refer to the tutorial for more information.

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Introduction to bjsonrpc

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Basic Tutorial

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